Students may be dropped off at 8:05am for participation in Running Club. School breakfast service begins at 8:10. No adult supervision is provided prior to these times. If earlier drop off is needed, please enroll your student in YMCA Character Builders.
Gates are secured between 8:30 - 3:00 (12:30 on Wednesdays). All visitors on campus or wishing to enter campus during those times must report to the main office, sign in, and secure a badge, which is to be worn while on campus. Please check out in the main office and return the badge when the visit is completed.
To pick up a child from school, an individual must be an adult listed on the student's enrollment card and able to prove his/her identity with a picture ID.
Adult supervision is provided in classrooms and in outside areas 15 minutes before school, during recess and lunch, and during passing time between classes. Under the direction of the principal or site administrator, specific school building security procedures are implemented by staff. In addition, district offices support schools by reviewing and disseminating safety requirements and information, coordinating safety-related services, and providing training and assistance.
After School Guidelines:
Students who have a parent or guardian arriving late (after 3:00pm, or 12:30 on Wednesdays) must go to the office where their safety can be secured.
Students playing after school on the blacktop must be actively supervised by a parent/guardian at all times.
Permission is granted to students and parents to play and hang out on the blacktop only. Students are not to play in the breeze ways, grassy areas, garden, etc. Permission to travel to and from the blacktop is granted only through the primary breeze way next to the auditorium & main office building.
Remind students to safely walk on the campus. Running is saved for the school field and Running Club. (Due to the dual use, the field is not always open after school).
Encourage students to use the playground equipment in accordance with the playground equipment guidelines listed below. Climbing is great exercise but we want to teach safe play and respect for property & nature as well. (i.e. NO climbing on trees, fences, metal boxes, nor on top of the playground equipment!)
- Students should enter the monkey bars and swing going forward using both hands at all times. All play should be confined to the inside of the play structure (climbing on top of bars is not allowed), students are only to slide DOWN the slides, and students should walk at all times. The parallel bars are for swinging only, not sitting or hanging.
**All structures should not be played on when wet.
- Kinder Structure: This structure is for TK/K only (swings for TK/K students only and not for standing)
- Blue Structure: This structure is for first grade only
- Red Structure: This structure is for second throughfifth grades only
Please remind your students to respect and follow the instructions and directions of teachers and office staff at all times while on campus.
Also, as a reminder - the YMCA staff members supervise paid 6 to 6 childcare students only. Feel free to stop by the La Jolla YMCA and inquire about before and after school supervision opportunities for your child if you are unable to pick up your student immediately after school.
If students are not following these guidelines, they will be asked to leave campus as soon as school is over.
Our school has a Crisis Response Box that includes a comprehensive school safety plan. Required by the state, the plan includes policies and procedures for responding to:
- Disasters such as fire, earthquake, or situations requiring a lock down.
- Serious disciplinary problems.
- Child abuse.
- Sexual harassment.
Practice drills are periodically held to ensure that students will be safe in the event of a disaster.
For safely and health reasons, dogs, cats and other animals are not allowed on campus, unless special arrangements have been made with the Principal.