Drop-Off and Pick-Up

POLICIES and PROCEDURES pages 8, 14, 16


PLEASE DO NOT drop off your student before 8:05 a.m. as there is no supervision. If earlier care is needed, please enroll in the YMCA Character Builders program.

Students participating in Miles Ahead Running Club may arrive at 8:05 a.m. to drop off backpacks, lunch, etc. If your children are enrolled in a before-school program, they must be signed-in with that program in the auditorium. For Kindergarteners, please bring your student to the Kindergarten area before the 8:25 a.m. bell. Kindergarten area playground play time may be available in the morning. No running, tackling or tag-style games are permitted.


Gates will stay closed for safety reasons and are opened by a teacher or upon dismissal. You must wait outside the campus gate,s the students will be walked out by the classroom teacher.

For Kindergarteners, please remain back away from the gate as the teachers need to bring the students out. Your Kinder teacher will stay with the students until each child has been picked up by an authorized adult.

Students are to be picked up promptly at the end of the school day (3:00 or 12:30 on Wednesdays). If families are unable to pick up their students on time the student must go to the office where their safety can be ensured. The office will then call and email the parent until they can be reached. In the case of emergencies, ONLY the office remains open 30 minutes after school dismissal.  School police will be notified if needed for the safety of the student. 

If students are not regularly picked up on time, it will be recommended to enroll them in after school care with the YMCA Character Builders or an enrichment program.

Traffic and Safety

Traffic and the safety of our students are very important. Please use caution when transporting your child to and from school.

Please obey traffic laws and Torrey Pines Elementary Traffic and Safety Procedures.

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